Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Technology

Advancement in Technology – helps save lives. 
Advancements in technology most often come about as people try to solve specific problems.  The problem – millions of babies in 3rd world countries die each year due to being too cold in the first few months of life.  Engineering students around the country were given the task to design a portable incubator that would be low cost to manufacture and low cost to maintain.  Follow the progress.  Select the first link and read the article and watch the video.    

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sample of Form on Google Docs

See Assignment and video below.

Google Docs Video and Assignment

Watch the following video on how to create a form using iGoogle's Google Docs.  (click on link)

Your assignment:
1) You will create five survey questions and answer types of your own (see question types below)

2) Using Google Docs, create the form with your five questions.

Questions types:
  • At least one question should require a paragraph text or a line text.
  • At least one question should be a multiple choice or drop-down menu.
  • At least one question should be a list that may have more than one choice selected at once.
3) Save this document.

4) Apply a theme - make it simple.

5) Get the embed code and post it to your blog as a post (hint: edit html tab to paste code).

6) In the comment section of this blog recap your experience. 
  • Did you find forms easy to use?
  • Did you have any trouble?  If yes, explain.
  • How could this feature be used by others - companies, organizations, or individual users.
  • Any additional thoughts?


Create a new gadget - Poll.  See design tab.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Lang Online B Class Blog: Hour 2 Term 3 2011

We’ll be using this site for teacher-to-student communication as well as student-to-student communication. My goal is to do at least one blog post per week. Generally I will post on Monday, and you have until Friday to complete the weekly blog by leaving a comment.  It will be YOUR responsibility to check the blog on a regular basis.   On days I'm out, daily work will be posted on the blog. 

Before we get started we’ll have to set some ground rules.First of all, all postings to this site must use school appropriate language. When you post, write in complete sentences. Key your first initial and last name at the end of your post so I know who posted it (all posts are worth points and I won't accept late posts). When commenting on another student’s post, keep your comments non-personal. You can agree or disagree with a comment but refrain from sarcasm and/or put-downs. State your position on the issue at hand and why you feel that way.

Your assignments: 
1.  Respond to the following using the comment link bottom right of this post.  Ask if you don't see it. Who did you have for Online A?  What did you like about the class?  What didn't you like about the class?  Tell me a little about yourself. Include information on your family, friends and things you enjoy doing. Due today :)

2.  In your Delicious Account - create a link to this blog.  Enter the appropriate tags for your link.

3.  On the student-teacher drive in the "write" folder you will find an excel spreadsheet with class list, when it's your turn,  post your email address and personal blog address (create one if you don't have a personal blog - see me if you need help).  Be sure to get the complete URL and wait your turn.