Monday, April 18, 2011

Digital Stories

Hello students!  It's Monday, April 18 - you were to come to school with your script 100% completed. After you are finish recording your scripts, you're ready for Movie Maker. 

 Movie Maker:  Click start menu / go to Programs File folder / open Movie Maker Folder - double click on "exe" file - you may drag this icon on your desktop if you wish.  Now you're ready to import your images and audio recordings. 

This project is due by Wednesday - have fun. 

 If you are absent - you can do recording of script at home and email it to yourself.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Assistive Technology and Google Docs Reflection

Now that you are finished with your group assignment on Assistive Technology I would like you to reflect on your experience.
  1. Do you find Google Docs easy to use?
  2. What are some advantages of using Google Docs?
  3. What are some disadvantages of using Google Docs?
  4. Did you have any specific problems using Google Docs?
  5. How could Google Docs be used in other classes?
  6. Do you think you'd use Google Docs to share things with friends?
  7. Any other comments regarding Google Doc's "Cloud Computing"?
This refection is due Friday, April 8, 2011.  No late work will be accepted.  You must respond to all the questions asked and key your first and last name at the bottom of your post.

Monday, April 4, 2011