Monday, May 16, 2011

Reflection - Business Ethics

Teacher Blog Reflection Business Ethics: 
  1. Discuss what you learned by listening to the various presentations on Business Ethics. 
  2. Did you notice any patterns as far as management/company behavior with regard to Business Ethics?
  3. Did you notice any patterns as far as employee behavior?
  4. Add any additional thoughts you may have.
  5. Key your first and last name after your reflection - Due by Friday, May 20


  1. 1. There are many businesses out there that are not being ethical in their jobs that they are doing. Many people are not fair and they need to be stopped.

    2. The company many of the times denied what was going on. They don't want people to think that their buisness is bad, so they say that they are being ethical.

    3. The employees often times lie becuase they do not want to lose their job or get in trouble.

    4. A lot of companies have problems and are unfair and it needs to be stopped.

    -Abby Pirrone

  2. 1. i learned that the oil spill effected many animals and the ocean waters.
    2. i noticed that almost all of the buisness' didn't do anything about the problem until it was a really big problem and the public found out about it..
    3. no.
    -hannah hurt

  3. Seeing how i wasn't there on Friday, I can't really answer these questions,but,i'm gonna guess that everyone tried their best and some of the class really hates having to do presentations...just guessing. - Jacob Fulkerson

  4. 1.) I've learned that it is always good to be ethical. It is also good to learn from your mistakes.
    2.) I've seen that all mistakes have been related in the similar line. For instance, there has been lazy work, and people just doing what they arn't suppose to be doing.
    3.) Most of the employee's have been usually drinking or doing something wrong to cause a mistake.
    4.)I think its always good to put some pride in your work, and have a good work ethic. Actually take time to realize what work ethics mean, and understand the safety and harm of others if you don't.
    5.)Ivan Oraha

  5. 1.I learned that there are many different cases that involve business ethics, that we don't hear about as much.
    2. I noticed that many companies would try and sell or market the product even though they knew something was wrong with it, but after they were caught they would apologize.
    3.I noticed the employees would often just act like they didn't know anything because they didn't want to get in any trouble.
    4.I thought the project was interesting, you can hear about many different business ethic cases and learn how to find good sources.
    Caitie Johnson

  6. 1. There are many businesses out there that are not being ethical in their jobs that they are doing. Many people are not fair and they need to be stopped.

    2. The company many of the times denied what was going on. They don't want people to think that their buisness is bad, so they say that they are being ethical.
    3. The employees often times lie becuase they do not want to lose their job or get in trouble.
    4. A lot of companies have problems and are unfair and it needs to be stopped

    -Devon Woolford

  7. 1.)By listening to the business ethics project I learned that there are many people who are unethical and don't care about the people or things being damaged.
    2.)I noticed that many companies were unethical because of a deadline or trying to get a product out first, but most times it just made things worse.
    3.) In the employee behavior I noticed that they would keep things low so people wouldn't find out, or that they would sell an item even tho they knew it was faulty.
    4.) My thoughts are that you might as well work out the problems before you sell something or think of all the other outcomes before you make an unethical choice.
    5.) Mackenzie Wegener

  8. 1.many businesses are not ethical and need to be stoped.
    2.they usualy deny being unethical.
    3.Employees must be loyal to their bosses if they want a job so they will lie
    4.a lot of companies are unfair and have probs and need to be stoped.
    -Mark Farren

  9. 1.) I learned that many of the jobs that we have all over the world are unethical in the things they are doing which lead to future problems.
    2.)Yes, many of these problems were created by similiar things and all had very big consequences.The business/company did not tell people it was unethical instead they said it was "ethical"....
    3.) In each of the cases i noticed that the employees would lie to customers and other companies to keep their jobs and make sure that they would not get in bigger trouble than they would of already been in.
    4.)Companies should pay closer attention to there jobs and what they working on other than only relying on ther customers and money.
    -Ciara Witfoth

  10. 1. There are many businesses out there that are not being ethical in their jobs that they are doing. Many people are not fair and they need to be stopped.

    2. The company many of the times denied what was going on. They don't want people to think that their buisness is bad, so they say that they are being ethical.

    3. The employees often times lie becuase they do not want to lose their job or get in trouble.

    4. A lot of companies have problems and are unfair and it needs to be stopped.
    -Alexis S.-

  11. 1.Alot of companys are unfair and really unethical in what they do.
    2.The companys either denied what waqs going on or did nothing about it, most just didnt really care.
    3.The people lied and the companys were breaking the law.
    4.The companys are very greedy.
    5. Mikayla Monhollen

  12. 1. I learned that business ethics is very important and if we did not have it then the world wouldn’t work together as well.
    2. Yeah they all try and make excuses when they make a mistake.
    3. No I didn’t really notice anything about the employees.
    4. I believe we should have more ethics in life so things work well.

  13. 1. some buisnesses that are not ethical will lead to many consequences later in the future than others that are ethical.
    2.They don't really encourage their employees just give them a deadline and sometimes know that things are not ethical.
    3.They usaully ignore the obvious safety checkups but worry about how it looks instead and how fast they could get it done.
    4. Being ethical can save you from a lot of headches later on.
    -Jacklin Maayah

  14. 1)i learned that the oil spill effected many animals and the ocean waters
    2)they usualy deny being unethical
    4)I believe we should have more ethics in life so things work well.
    Tyler Baehr

  15. 1. I've learned that there are many business' tha have violated business ethics and have problems regarding products.
    2. The pattern that I've noticed is that deadlines aren't really met and lying is kind of a daily routine.
    3.Employees have been the ones to tell the public about the bad behaviors.. Though I encourage this, I still find it wrong not being loyal to your company.. The company needs to tell the public itself.
    4.Business Ethics are important, no doubt about it. It can save businesses and in some cases save lives.

  16. 1. They are a lot of unethical people and buisnesses
    2. patterns = lying
    3. no employee patterns
    4. people/buisnesses need to be more ethical
    Tara Althaus

  17. 1. I learned that alot of buisnesses are not being ethical with how they run their company
    2. Alot of comapnays didn't do anything right away, or pay more attention to what is going on.
    3. they would either act like nothing was wrong or they would just ignore it so they wouldnt be the ones getting in trouble.
    -corey bursztynski

  18. 1. I learned many things from all the different presentations. Like many companies all over make buisnees ethic mistakes. Even companies you wouldn't think would make one.
    2. There were alot that had problems with their products or employess.
    3. The employees wouldn't pay attention like one guy was drunk while working causing an oil spill.
    4. i don't really have anything else to say but alot of these problems could have been prevented if they checked things right.
    Ashley franklin

  19. 1.I learned most businesses are trying to be as ethical as they can with there company.
    2. A lot of them had various problems with there companies.
    3. The employees weren't being ethical and used no common sense
    4. i have nothing additional to add
    -Louis Fligor
